Teach your dog the recall ‘Come’. (2)

We all agree that a ‘solid recall’ is the most critical behaviour that your dog can offer you. They MUST come on que,..for their own safety.

By practicing the ‘lure, mark (yes) and reward’ sequence, you will ‘charge the marker’. In simple terms, this means that your command, followed by the ‘mark /yes’ & ‘reward’ has reliable meaning for your dog. When your dog understands the command - mark - reward sequence they will enthusiastically ‘anticipate’ good things.

This means that you have ‘charged’ your  command / cue - “Come”. And to your dog, the command /que now means that great things are about to happen. “If I obey, I won’t miss out”.

Now you should add ‘energy’ to your command, Lucy...Come”, with a enthusiastic voice. ‘Call your dog’,...’Lucy...Come!!!!’ And make sure that the reward is at least equal in value to the obedience offered. Give your bounding labrador a high value treat. I suggest sausage,  chicken, cheese.

I always repeat and keep repeating a new training routine 20 times each session. And always with ‘high value rewards’. Remember, your dog is not immediately thinking about obedience, just treats. They’re  just loving being with the treats,...and with you of course.

Now that you’ve charged your command and your marker and your dog understands, position your labrador at your left side, in the heel position. Immediately but calmly show your approval,...mark / yes and reward.

‘Heel’ is a position at your left side, with the dogs head adjacent to your left thigh, not in front or behind. The heel position is the standard training position when you are stationary and when you are moving.

It’s time to start training. Say ‘heel’ and step off with your left foot. As your chocolate labrador moves with you,...acknowledge this immediately,...’yes & reward’. Make sure your enthusiastic labrador understands this process. Keep repeating until they do.Your dog is now walking in the ‘heel’ position.

Now, with your dog by your left side, on leash, say “Come!!!!” in an enthusiastic voice and run away. Your dog will follow so that you and your dog are running together, in the same direction. Travel about 5m, stop,... mark /yes & reward you dog with a high value treat. If your rewards are high value treats, then your dog will find your commands irresistible.