Teach you dog to WATCH (2)

When my chocolate labrador understands the ‘MARKER / YES’, they also know that there are treats in my hands. And they are looking for a reward. Initially, your dog will look at one hand, and then the other, looking for the reward. I want my dog to anticipate that the treat is coming,... when they look at my eyes.

Say ‘WATCH’. Be sure that your dog eyes makes even passing eye contact meeting your eyes. Then immediately MARK / YES and REWARD. Keep repeating this routine. This is how you reinforce the behaviour.

You will need to be patient and particularly if you dog is very young. I always put my dog through 20 repeats of a training routine. I’ve learnt that these repetitions allow time for my dogs to ‘problem solve’ and understand the concept. Give them time to ‘problem solve’. It’s actually more about your labrador learning to problem solve and any single routine. Once your chocolate labrador learns ‘problem solving’, they can work out just about anything. 

As the puppy advances, I can direct them into the heel position then ‘call front’. Alternatively I can move myself to a position in front of my dog.

I can advance this behaviour by raising my arms up and down while commanding my dog to ‘WATCH’. I will reward them, only if they continues to ‘FOCUS and ‘watch’ my eyes. Otherwise I calmly say ‘NO’ and start again.

If they break, I say ‘NO’ and start again. ‘NO’ is a negative command communicating that the behaviour is wrong. It won’t be rewarded and we are trying again. ‘NO’ must not communicate anger or frustration.  Don’t correct your dog if they do not understand the routine, simply say ‘NO’ and start again.